SEO experts are calling us crazy to publish our EXACT PROVEN PROCESS but here it is …
Search Engine Optimization
The absolute and only way SEO experts achieve a sustainable ranking in the top 3 of the map pack and 1st page of Google is for your website to EARN Google’s trust. Their sole focus is to keep people searching on their platform because that is how they make money. Consequently, the user experience of getting relevant search results based on what the user enters as keywords is of paramount importance to Google.
Our SEO Experts
We earn massive and measurable trust scores with Google because we play 100% by their rules and comply fully with their terms of service.
The Best SEO company
Importantly, we implement proven “logic” engineered by our team. They have tremendous experience working with Google’s proprietary algorithms. Hence, our process is simply unmatched by any other SEO company. In fact, it is the primary reason we continue to operate on a pay for performance only basis. It is also why our clients are insured with a 100% money back guarantee.

Our SEO Experts Winning 6 Step Formula
Our process is proven to rank websites very quickly and with great sustainability. This process evolves along with the changing algorithms Google uses to improve the user experience in providing relevant search results. There are 6 core elements that have significant weighting in determining rank. We are laser focused on these elements. Most importantly, we have learned to deploy them in a precise manner with very specific timing. As a result we continuously earn the success our clients enjoy.
Steps one, two, and three...
First, we fix page names and headings and descriptions to match the product or service you are providing in a way that Google can read and understand. This creates the initial trust in referring their search users to your site because the site is communicating effectively.
Secondly, we move from what is referred to as “on-page” seo to “off-page” seo where we manually list the name, address, and phone number of your business across 500 different directories. Google loves to see volumes of exact match citations across the internet.
Now the stage is set perfectly for the third step. Here, we have our media writers create a press release linked to your business and website that is distributed to hundreds of major media outlets. You won’t make headline news but your “backlink” will reside on media sites with incredible authority and trust in Google’s eyes. This scores big points in the ranking algorithm.
Steps four, five, and six
On the heels of the press release we use our network of thousands of private social media accounts to begin commenting, sharing, liking, and creating a viral like effect for your news event. Google loves to see significant social signals validating your business website as having tremendous local relevance.
In the background and throughout our entire six step campaign we have our content writing team standing up new websites linked directly to you. They serve the sole purpose of discussing a relevant topic to your business and providing additional authority via link to your business website. These sites are diverse and drip out to the internet daily. Over time they build consistency and further trust as to your sites relevance to what searchers are seeking.
The sixth step is extremely powerful and is used sparingly as a turbo boost for your ranking and placement. We own hundreds of older, aged, high trust domains that we have purchased at auction or from owners retiring or selling their business. They worked hard over years to establish authority and trust with Google and now we own them. We rebuild a new website on that domain to link back to your website and yours only. This adds a super powered boost to your local authority. Above all, it gets you to the top where the new clients will find you.